Friday, July 6, 2012

Amazing News!!!

On July 23 I leave for wyoming. You may ask what the heck is in Wyoming that is gymnastics related in the slightest. You would be correct to assume nothing, nothing is in Wyoming, except for adventure. I am going on trek! But, something super crazy is going on the day trek ends, I go straight from the plains of wyoming to the Olympic Training Center (OTC) for a regional camp. I am so pumped I am so grateful for this opportunity.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

This is called a full-in, it is two backflips and one full twist. Enjoy!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Less Then Glorious 
I thought having my brother return from collage would be a completely different experience. He has been living out of the house for two years and I missed him a ton and don't get me wrong I love my brother but he is so, oh what's the word, controlling. He thinks that he rules the roost in this house. He thinks that he can come back after two years and just change everything up, well I'm sorry he can't. For two years I have been able to organize and have things run pretty well with my family, then he comes along and acts as if he has more say in what I do because he is older. He is not my keeper, I am the master of my own house. I kind of feel like a toddler having a new born come into the fray and he gets all the attention, and by attention I mean freedom. Overall his stay has involved me being late for gym, not having a car, and more then a fair share of arguments. In short my brothers return has been Less Then Glorious.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

This next year in gymnastics scares the crap out of me, gymnastics has gotten so hard in the next couple of years. There are 14 and 15 year old's who are doing 3-4 releases. Right now I have 2.....Yeah I have  a ton of work to do. Well the more I work the harder it gets, because when I work hard I get rips, otherwise known as blisters. Right now I have 6 rips, 2 on my feet and 4 on my hands Eh. I have a lot of work ahead of me. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Well Nationals is this week, good luck guys you have been working super hard and it all comes down to this. Go Fight Win!!!!!